![]() | 山东省嵘兴工贸(集团)有限公司,位于山东省临沂市临沭县,地处苏鲁两省交界处,交通运输条件极为便利;经过四十多年的发展,我集团成长为跨行业经营、内外贸相结合的大型股份制企业。固定资产达4.3亿元人民币,员工3000人。下辖一家钢管厂、两家五金机械厂、一家包装厂,一家房地产公司、一家外贸公司和一家国外子公司。 近年来在董事长兼总经理李兴荣先生的领导下,企业加大技术改造投入,加快企业产业和产品整合,通过企业购并和科技人才的引进、培养,强化企业内部管理,企业向高新技术领域阔步迈进,企业规模不断壮大,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。 公司坚持以科技为先导,以质量为生命,产品在国内外市场均享有较高声誉,企业因绩优连年受到政府表彰。 本公司经营的外销产品主要有:五金工具(锤类产品通过GS认证,部分产品有专利证书)、航海滑轮(部分产品有专利证书)、柳编工艺品(部分产品通过SGS卫生安全认证)等;内销产品有:无缝钢管(ISO9002企业)、包装产品等。公司坚持优质和优惠的价格为服务原则,成立伊始即在国内外客户中建立了良好的信誉。 公司董事长、总经理李兴荣先生竭诚欢迎海内外宾朋惠顾合作、共创大业。 Shandong Rongxing Industrial & Commerce Co.,Ltd.(Group), is situated in Linshu County,Linyi City, Shandong Province. Our group has seven subcompanies with a history of more than 40 years, our main business and prouducts:steamless steel pipe,hardware tools, pulley and blocks,packing materials, real estate,artcrafts,import and export. We manufacture and sell the following products including cold chisel, hammer, axe, pulley and blocks ,top cutters,spirit levels,mearsuring tapes,paper crafts, willow products and etc.The products are sold well in Europe, America, the Middle East, Asia and Australia.We have an office in UAE,and our own brand is King Sun. We insist "quality first, customer foremost and reputation first" and "quality steady and client satisfactory" as our service aim. We stress on the quality and competitive price and have a good reputation during our customers in the domestic and abroad markets. Mr. Li Xing Rong, the chairman and general manager of our company welcomes all the friends to trade with us. |